Saturday, June 27, 2009

Powerful Life Strategies: Positive Affirmations

I am the owner of a Publishing Company, Property Management Company, Speaker, Author, mom and wife who is currently studying to pass the Bar Exam. Im constantly asked, how is it possible to handle so many things at one time.

The key is to use powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, and it will be possible to achieve whatever it is that you want.

Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is and affirmations will transform your life, your joy and your health.

The best way to use this technique is:

1) Think of an affirmation.

Yes! I will pass the February 2010 California Bar Exam
I will sell 50,000 units of books
I will be fit, healthy and slim
I will have a happy, loving marriage

2) Write your affirmation on 2-3 index cards, in large, clear, letters.

3) Place an index card on the bathroom mirrors and in the kitchen.

4) Wake up each morning, energized and happy. While brushing your teeth, combing your hair, taking a bath, making breakfast---repeat the affirmation, over and over. Believe the affirmation. Invision yourself having accomplished the affirmation.

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